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In 2005 we took a team of our volunteers to China to 'walk' part of the Great Wall as a fundraiser for Faith & Football.  It was a gruelling experience where we crawled on our hands and knees across steep terrain and 40 degrees plus temperatures!

We went off the usual tourist track and, chaperoned by armed guards and a doctor, we covered some really tough ground.  We walked the wall for eight hours each day and camped at night.

Thankfully we didn't need to carry all the camping gear with us as we had some strong donkeys to carry the load.

Whilst in China we came across some small villages and made friends with the locals.

Throughout the trip we had no showers or toilets to use.  We were given a small bowl of cold water each day to wash with!  Far from our home comforts!

​​Call us:

02392 822706

​Find us:

Faith & Football, Second Chance House,
Somers Road Bridge, Portsmouth, PO5 4NS

© 2017 Faith & Football

Charity Number 1103783

Faith & Football is part of Abijah Trust

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