Head Teachers
There are a number of Christian Head Teachers in our city who need prayer support:
Polly Honeychurch
Carina Jacobs
Sarah Sadler
Steve Labedz
That they would have wisdom, strength, discernment and patience
Courage to stand up for the Truth and set an example of someone led by God and directed by Him
Prayer within Schools
That Christian staff are encouraged to pray together at school
That churches will connect with their local schools and offer prayer support
That Christian groups such as Youth Alpha will be established in our local schools to encourage prayer amongst the students
That the "Churches Assemblies Schools Team" will be given open doors to share the Gospel and pray
Stability in their family lives
Ability to engage fully in school life, to learn, thrive and flourish
To build good working relationships with their teachers
That staff wouldn't be put under undue pressure
That the children won't be affected by inspections in schools
Equipping & Encouraging
That Christian teachers and staff will be equipped and encouraged to represent Jesus in their schools
That they will be able to shape a Godly culture in their schools
That they will be salt and light and pillars of strength for their colleagues
Others ways to help:
Do you know of other Christians in Schools? Connect us with them!