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Head Teachers

​There are a number of Christian Head Teachers in our city who need prayer support:

  • Polly Honeychurch

  • Carina Jacobs

  • Sarah Sadler

  • Steve Labedz

  • That they would have wisdom, strength, discernment and patience

  • Courage to stand up for the Truth and set an example of someone led by God and directed by Him

Prayer within Schools

  • That Christian staff are encouraged to pray together at school

  • That churches will connect with their local schools and offer prayer support

  • That Christian groups such as Youth Alpha will be established in our local schools to encourage prayer amongst the students

  • That the "Churches Assemblies Schools Team" will be given open doors to share the Gospel and pray


  • Stability in their family lives

  • Ability to engage fully in school life, to learn, thrive and flourish

  • To build good working relationships with their teachers


  • That staff wouldn't be put under undue pressure

  • That the children won't be affected by inspections in schools

Equipping & Encouraging

  • That Christian teachers and staff will be equipped and encouraged to represent Jesus in their schools

  • That they will be able to shape a Godly  culture in their schools

  • That they will be salt and light and pillars of strength for their colleagues

Others ways to help:

  • Do you know of other Christians in Schools? Connect us with them!

​​Call us:

02392 822706

​Find us:

Faith & Football, Second Chance House,
Somers Road Bridge, Portsmouth, PO5 4NS

© 2017 Faith & Football

Charity Number 1103783

Faith & Football is part of Abijah Trust

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